Cartography of the Future
A workshop to question and imagine decades ahead

The Cartography of the Future is a calendar through
intertwined complexities of modern world.
Shared as a workshop, it is an invitation to
question, imagine and discuss.
As an archaeologist, it journeys through
14 contemporary issues, studying deeply the
‘weak signals’ and what impact they will have
over the three coming decades.
It is read from the inside out, travelling from the
2020’s - the end of Anthropocene,
into the 2030’s Methamorphosis,
leading towards the 2040’s, the Ecocene.
The Cartography is designed in French.
However, its vocabulary has a most important role.
Vocabulary evolves from one decade to another.
Vocabulary make concepts intellegible ;
put in words, they can be shared and understood.
And understanding is a powerful tool to keep fear
at bay.
The Cartography of the Future was exhibited at the
‘Cité Des Sciences Et De L’Industrie’ in Paris in 2022
(Paris Museum Of Sciences And Industry).